
Laurie's Case Manager has been working with him since he left foster care and secondary school at 19. He has cerebral palsy affecting his balance and mobility, and his ability to communicate. He has learning disabilities and is also severely visually impaired.

Laurie was a timid and introverted character when they first met. Initially, a rented flat was set up for Laurie with his own 24/7 team of support workers. He was supported by his personal support workers at a part-time college placement for three years before moving on to a day-care placement.

It was previously said that Laurie had never been able to tolerate wearing glasses. However, after arranging some very sophisticated visual tests, suitable glasses were prescribed and Laurie likes to wear them. It is evident that this is because, unlike previous glasses, they actually improve his vision. Laurie had previously been taken horse riding by his foster carer and his support workers continued with this and introduced him to other leisure pursuits. They soon discovered Laurie is a big thrill seeker, enjoying kayaking, trips on powerboats and fun fair rides. He also enjoys going for regular relaxing sensory room experiences.

Laurie began a programme of neuro physiotherapy and then hydrotherapy and his physical fitness and coordination have improved. His support team now facilitate these programmes on a regular basis. Laurie has moved into his own bungalow with a swimming pool! He has progressed so well with his physiotherapy that he can now climb into his home pool safely and loves to splash about in his garden pool whenever weather permits. Laurie still has regular contact with his foster carer.

With the support package put in place by his Case Manager, Laurie has thrived and thoroughly enjoys an active and varied life. Laurie is no longer the timid young man he was. He has developed into a young man who enjoys adventurous experiences and is full of fun and laughter.

© Community Case Management Services Limited