Traumatic brain injury

In 2006 our client was involved in a Road Traffic Accident resulting in a traumatic brain injury and a fractured tibia and fibula which resulted in him undergoing an above the knee amputation. He was in intensive and acute care for three months followed by nine months inpatient rehabilitation. Prior to his accident he had been living alone and building a new life for himself having moved from his homeland and family in Central Africa. Therefore on discharge from hospital the only support he received was initially by carers working on behalf of the statutory services.

CCMS were initially instructed to work with this young man in 2009. At this time he lived alone with limited statutory services support; it was apparent that he was not managing his finances, shopping, preparing meals, or cleaning appropriately. He often had no food in his fridge, no non-perishable foods in his cupboards and no basic foods such as tea, bread or sugar. He had few friends and no social life apart from attending church weekly.

Since instruction our client has been supported to re-build his life, planning rehabilitation goals aimed at ensuring a life that fulfils his dreams. With support he has purchased his own home which he takes tremendous pride in keeping spotlessly clean. He has a team of Personal Assistants that he directs to ensure that he manages his finances enabling to plan ahead for holidays and special occasions….of which there are many!

Our client has developed a love of cooking; often being supported to make traditional African dishes that require a great deal of planning and preparation, something he never believed he would master.

In 2006 our client reports that he believed his life was over; his weeks are now filled with living a life he did not dare dream was possible. However with Case Management intervention and a robust multi-disciplinary approach this young man is now a valued member of a team that runs a charity shop at which he works three times a week. He continues to be supported in his physical rehabilitation now walking independent of his crutches.

Each year on the anniversary of his accident this client’s family hold a church service in his home village in Africa. The service is attended by the whole village, his friends, family and extended family….this year for the first time since his accident he is returning ‘home’ and will attend the service held in his honour.

© Community Case Management Services Limited