Andrew Nieman

BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
BABICM Registered Practitioner Case Manager



Areas Covered:



Brain Injury
Spinal Injury


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  • BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
  • Member of Chartered Society of Physiotherapists (CSP)
  • Member of British Association of Brain Injury and Complex Case Management (BABICM)
  • Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)


Andrew has a special interest and expertise in providing case management support. He is an excellent communicator and team player and highly experienced in working alongside social and health care colleagues to safeguarding issues and best interest decision making.

Andrew has over 18 years’ experience in a variety of clinical settings. He works with adults who have sustained catastrophic injuries including brain injury, spinal cord injury and complex orthopaedic/polytrauma. He is also skilled in meeting the complex and long-term medical conditions of the client.

Andrew has experience in implementing a diverse range of treatment programmes including managing symptoms of complex spasticity, the application and use of orthotics and undertakes comprehensive manual handling and risk assessments.

Andrew has worked with a variety of clients that has given him the opportunity to manage the client’s complex rehabilitation needs to ensure they receive the best care available from health, social and external agencies. He has undertaken detailed assessments to establish the key rehabilitative issues and develop realistic intervention goals. He oversaw the implementation of individual functional health plans and advocated for different modes of treatment based on current medical research and the clients changing needs. His practice standards were in line with the care quality commission to ensure that high standards of care and support are maintained at all times.

He is familiar with the Court of Protection and statutory commissioning system and values the importance of providing clinical evidence to obtain funding to support care resources including the use of specialised equipment essential for the overall wellbeing of the client, keeping rehabilitation client-centred, goal based, and outcome measured.


Andrew enjoys spending time with his family and friends as well as a wide of activities including maintaining physical fitness, hiking and walking his dog in the countryside or coast. Andrew enjoys his work and continues to strive to achieve the very best outcomes for all his clients and their families.

© Community Case Management Services Limited