Megan Haines-Eynon

BSc (Hons)
BABICM Practitioner Case Manager



Areas Covered:

West Midlands


Brain Injury
Cerebral Palsy
Spinal Injury
Behavioural & Learning Difficulty


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  • 1st Class Honours Degree in Psychology with Placement Year
  • BABICM member
  • Paediatric First AidTrained
  • Level 2 Makaton Trained


During her degree, Megan spent time working as an Honorary Assistant Psychologist, here she conducted psychological research and was first introduced to support work with her first client, a young girl with Cerebral Palsy. She completed the second half of her placement year working abroad in New Zealand in a special needs school, working one to one with individuals (aged 4-21) with specific needs such as Autism, Cerebral Palsy and Down Syndrome.

Returning to the UK, Megan continued with support work whilst completing her degree and graduated with 1st Class honours in 2019. Since graduating, Megan has continued working in support and she has worked with varying clients:

  • Acquired brain injuries following RTA, medical negligence, birth complications and falls (paediatric and adults)
  • Cerebral palsy, spinal injuries and learning disabilities (paediatric and adults)
  • 1-1 support and 2-1 support
  • Support in a classroom setting

Working alongside these clients has given Megan experience and insights into implementing therapy rehabilitation programmes. Learning from and working with professionals such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and psychologists, Megan has gained a well-rounded knowledge of how to achieve client goals and improve quality of life. She has also developed her experience working as part of a team and engaging in regular multidisciplinary meetings.

Alongside the neuro-rehabilitation support, in 2021, after four years working with a company as a support worker, Megan developed her skills and branched out into leadership and management. She took on the role with the same company as National Company Manager. Within this role Megan developed her communication skills and gained experience in managing a care team and individual cases where appropriate. This has given her an insight into what goes on ‘behind the scenes’ of support and an opportunity to liaise directly with families, care staff, case managers and legal teams.

In February. 2023, Megan took on her first client as Assistant Case Manager and since then has continued to develop leadership and management skills, while learning to prioritise and efficiently use her time to produce high standards of work and complex problem solve. Megan uses a client centred, therapeutic approach to help goal set and set up support teams to help a client with an acquired brain injury achieve the best possible quality of life.


Megan is a highly motivated and goal driven individual. Her curiosity and zest for life help her to seek out opportunities and provide her with a positive outlook on the world; this in turn used to help influence others in a positive way. Megan seeks to add value and make a positive difference to those she meets.

During her free time Megan loves to get active and seek out new hobbies. Day to day she enjoys running and cold-water swimming. In the past year she has begun learning to surf and qualified as an Advanced Open Water Diver with PADI.

© Community Case Management Services Limited