Nikki Hopkins

Operations Manager & Case Manager, CCMS
Conference topic:
Managing crisis takes a village, our data is our predictor

Nikki Hopkins is an Occupational Therapist and an Advanced BABICM Registered Practitioner Case Manager, working as the Operations Manager for Community Case Management Services Ltd. After qualifying from Oxford Brookes University, Nikki has continued to build on her extensive knowledgebase, through her work in the UK and Australia. She has developed a deep holistic understanding of the diverse rehabilitation needs of the adults and children who have been impacted by catastrophic injury and illness. This is evident in her passion and approach in driving quality, evidenced-based interventions and outcomes for her clients. Nikki is highly skilled at working within the multi-disciplinary team, where there are Court of Protection proceedings and challenging family and social dynamics.

Nikki is at the forefront of driving excellence through case management within CCMS. Ensuring that holistic, evidence-based practice is paramount for not only her practice, but of all the case managers within the organisation. Nikki is part of the CCMS Clinical Governance Team and a lead preceptor case manager, providing a collaborative and supportive approach through empowerment and leadership for new and emerging case managers.

In addition to her role as a case manager, Nikki also provides independent OT and Expert OT services. These roles provide additional opportunity for Nikki to work with clients who present with complex therapy requirements and their families.

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