Sarah Cox

Chartered Physiotherapist, Specialist in Rehabilitation & Aquatic Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Fresh Physio Ltd
Conference topic:
Hydrotherapy?? But M has a tracheostomy!!

Sarah has had a passion for water based exercise and hydrotherapy since training in the 1990’s at Middlesex Hospital and UCL. Sarah continued this passion into work in the pools of Bart’s and The Royal London, Charing Cross and Hammersmith NHS Trusts during the first 7 years in the NHS and then dove tailing with setting up HydroActive Ltd using Teddington community hydrotherapy pool alongside a private physiotherapy business based in Wimbledon and New Victoria Hospital, mainly with orthopaedic and neurology caseload. A relocation in 2006 to the Midlands forced a role change and setting up Fresh Physio Ltd with a private hydrotherapy pool based in Retford, Nottinghamshire and emphasis on long term conditions, complicated rehabilitation and multi-trauma including head injury caseload. Working alongside case managers as one part of the team supporting a client pre and post case resolution.

Sarah is an active member of the ATACP – Aquatic Therapy Association of Chartered Physiotherapists - has been on the Executive Committee and now sits on the Education sub-committee. Been part of NICE scoping workshops for Rehabilitation after traumatic injury guidelines. She has fostered relationships with other organisations who are involved in the water activity workspace including National Co-ordinating Committee for disabled swimming, Swim England and Halliwick Association of Swimming Teachers. Sarah sits on the National Health Commission for Swimming- a multi- agency committee of Russell group Charities, Leisure Operators and Health Professionals with the aim to increase the awareness and communication between health providers and local pools to assist with the patient to participant activity pathway. She is a member of the small rapid response team of the Hydrotherapy Alliance, a group supporting the APPG on Axial Spa and supporting NHS and local pools with refurb, remodelling and threat of closure issues. Sarah has been project manager and one of the key content developers on the recently launched e-lfh module on Aquatic Activity.

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